
When it comes to foosball, there are a ton of defence strategies you can use. In fact, any professional foosballer would advise you to learn all of these defence techniques. Knowing them gives you the freedom to choose from a wide range of options, as and when the need arises.
The advantage is that you can always have your opponents guessing, while you can make fairly accurate predictions on their next move. In fact, understanding defence is the key to understanding offence and perfect shot executions.
So, here are a few effective defence strategies you can try and execute in your next foosball game.
The Basics
You can’t progress any further without the basics. Basic defence can help you play against most players, except for the professionals or experts. Plus, basic defences are easy to learn. One such defence tactic is to angle your men inwards, facing each other. However, don’t tilt them too inwards because that will leave out room for the ball to slide in, right under your toes. This tactic will help you defend diagonally angled shots such as spray shots and bank shots.
Leaving your men vertical will cause more shots to be scored.
Move Your Defence Rods Simultaneously
This is another defence strategy that really works. However, when you execute this defensive move, make sure there is no overlapping between your defensive players. Also, do not cross back and forth. Allow some space between your defensive men in a way that prevents the ball from going through the gaps between them. This slight gap can have a profound impact on the overall strategy, if executed perfectly.
Stay On The Ball
A standard defence tactic is to never keep your eyes off the ball. Make sure you’re always tracking it visually. Even a lot of seasoned players do not realise that constantly monitoring the ball can prevent reflected shots. In other words, staying focused on the game is the first step to playing great defence.
For example, if the ball is on the foosball table’s left and your partner is on the offensive, make sure your men are prepared for offence too. Keep your men on the move at all times.

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