
After investing in a Pool/Billiards Table you want to be able to clean it correctly so it last for a long time.
Its Pool night, the friends drop by, out comes the drinks, someone drops the chalk, don’t even get started with the food that gets knocked over right on the felt of the Pool/Billiards Table.Don’t panic, if you clean your Pool/Billiards Table this way you have less chance of damaging your Pool/Billiards Table.
For any wet spills get a non- colored soft cloth DO NOT use any soap just warm water and dab the affected area. You might have to do this a couple of times but it should clean the felt on your
Pool/Billiards Table without any problems.
Always remember with the felt on your Pool/Billiards Table NEVER rub or push hard on the felt just be gentle.
If there are crumbs etc, this is where it is best to use a Special Pool/Billiards Table Brush. This brush has bristles that are 2 lengths. Short in the center and long on the outer sides. This is designed for the best care of your Pool/Billiards Table.
When you are using the brush on your Pool/Billiards Table it is best to start from the center of the table and use gentle strokes in one direction towards the pockets on your Pool/Billiards Table that way you can get your vacuum cleaner out and with just the hose clean up the particles that you have swept up with your Pool/Billiards Table Brush.
If you have a spill of liquid e.g. a drink on the felt of your Pool/Billiards Table get a clean soft non colored cloth and soak up the excess liquid. Then rinse your cloth and with just warm water on your cloth pat the wet patch to soak up the actual drink. That way you are protecting the felt on your Pool/Billiards Table and it will last a lot longer.

For the times the Pool/Billiards Table is not being used its always best to put a cover over the top.
The Brush and Covers are all available from tr-sports and we have a range of sizes for all Pool/Billiards Table.
If you follow these simple instructions then your Pool/Billiards Table will always look good and be ready for use.

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