

The game more commonly known in the 21st century as “pool” actually originated back in the 1800s and was widely known. Men and Women all over the world were familiar with the game. The game started out with basic rules and equipment with more advanced equipment arising from England some years later.

The slate pool table was introduced around 1835 and quickly became the most preferred base used on the billiard table. The dominant billiard game played on the slate pool table from the year 1770 to around the 1920s was “English Billiards” this was played with 3 balls and six pockets, this game eventually evolved into the game we know as snooker.

The game of “pool” originated from the game known as “fifteen-ball pool” the fifteen-ball pool was the game they used in the first American Championship pool tournament, which was won by a Canadian man, Cyrille Dion.

From 1878 to around 1956 pool and billiard championship tournaments were held almost annually. To this day the tournaments still play a major part in the sporting industry.

Recently, four time world champion, John Higgins took out Ben Wollaston to win the 2015 Welsh open. This is John’s first win since the Shanghai Masters in September 2012 and this win makes him the first player to win this tournament four times.

Higgins over the moon with his win went on to tell BBC news “It was tough and it was great to come out winning.” Higgins went on to say “I’ve always been the sort of player that after every high there’s going to be a low, I was hoping there was going to be another high again and that’s what keeps you going. This is a good high and ill enjoys it tonight. It’s great to win and get some confidence back.”

Wollaston had been making his debut in a ranking final and is set to move up from his current position of 36th to one of the world’s top 32. The 27 year old Englishmen stated after the game that it has been the best week of his life snooker-wise.

The next up and coming tournament will be help in Poland for the Gdynia Open.


Report by Rebecca

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